Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Day 26 - “Your religious beliefs”

My mother raised my sisters and I as Methodist Christians and she took us to church every Sunday as a child.
I was also baptized as a Christian but as I got older I began attending church less frequently. Not because I wasn't interested in religion but because the whole service was in Spanish and I did not understand a word of it haha.
I also became interested in other religions and philosophies which made me more open minded to different ideals.

I consider myself an Agnostic because I believe in different ideals that promote peace and enlightenment such as Buddhism.
Even though, I don't attend Church every Sunday that doesn't mean I don't believe in a higher power or good will.
Whether there's a God or no God, people must have a good heart and treat others right.

I'm not anti or pro religion, I'm just a guy trying to find my balance.
I don't care what God you pray to or if you don't believe in God at all, it's your personality that justifies your character.

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