Thursday, August 26, 2010

1. Yourself

I realize my recent posts have very little to do with me or my outlooks on life.
Usually they're just videos that inspire to live, learn, and love which is something I want to share with the rest of the world.
To show how we can find inspiration from anything and everything.
But I've decided to take it upon myself to write more about me.
I saw my friend post this on his blog to keep his blogging more consistent so I decided to do the same.

- 30 -
Day 01 - yourself.
Day 02 - your first love.
Day 03 - A picture of you and your friends
Day 04 - A habit that you wish you didn’t have
Day 05 - your definition of love.
Day 06 - your day.
Day 07 - your best friend(s).
Day 08 - a moment.
Day 09 - your beliefs.
Day 10 - what you wore today.
Day 11 - what you ate today.
Day 12 - what’s in your bag.
Day 13 - this week.
Day 14 - a person.
Day 15 - your dreams.
Day 16 - your first kiss.
Day 17 - your favorite memory.
Day 18 - your favorite birthday.
Day 19 - something you regret.
Day 20 - this month.
Day 21 - another moment.
Day 22 - something that upsets you.
Day 23 - something that makes you feel better.
Day 24 - something that makes you cry.
Day 25 - a first.
Day 26 - your fears.
Day 27 - your favorite place.
Day 28 - something you miss.
Day 29 - your aspirations.
Day 30 - one last moment.
Should keep me busy right?

So let's begin with #1 - Yourself

My name is Yong.
I was born January 17, 1989 in Los Angeles, Ca.
School, work/martial arts, and dancing are three things that take up most of my time but when I'm free I also enjoy designing clothes, watching/making movies, writing, drawing, kickin' freestyle flows with the homies, hiking, and just chillin' out.
I work part time as a martial arts instructor at my father's Tae Kwon Do school.
I love to dance. I represent the infamous Zombie Hunterz crew primarily from Los Angeles, California where I go by the alias, "YongMoney".
The "Money" is defined as one who is paying dues within whatever they pursue. In my case it is Breakin' and life in general...gotta earn my stripes.
I'm known to be very shy and usually keep to myself or I can be very loud and obnoxious, it really depends on my mood, who I'm with or how comfortable I feel.
Either way, you shouldn't really take anything I say too seriously because I give into sarcasm about 75 percent of the time but I do mean well ;]
It's hard for people to tell whether I'm serious or joking but I'll confirm with you if you really can't tell.
I love to reference a lot of movies...usually cult classics but I dip and dab into different genres.
I try to keep an open mind when it comes to new things.
This is also applied to my tastes in music.
I love all types of music and when people ask what my favorite genre is I can only answer with, "whatever sounds good to my ears."
I do not like to limit myself to certain things and that applies to all aspects in life.
I come from a cultural background consisting of Korean/Cuban/American influence.
My father was born in Korea and immigrated to the States in his teens and my mother who is Korean/Chinese was born in Cuba and also migrated to the US in her teens.
Both met and the rest is history.
I cannot speak Korean but I'd love to any volunteers are welcome :]
Besides that I love Korean food ^___^ Cuban food and American food...but I can eat anything!
And lastly...I like to hunt zombies.

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