Tuesday, May 10, 2011

28. A month you were happiest this year and why.

I actually don't know which month was my favorite because every month had something going on.
So far May is actually pretty good but if I were to choose I'd probably say April because there were a lot of highlights in that month.

Kid Cudi, Danny Glover, got to meet some of the Community cast, sister's b-day, a few parties, WOD: LA.

Yeah, April was pretty fun which is funny because I used to hate April when I was younger.
I remember one year, April was the toughest month for me because I got out of a relationship and some of my relatives passed away. So it was a very challenging month and since then I've always disliked it but now I guess things have changed.

But I believe runner up would be May even though this month just started. So far it's been pretty dope. This past weekend alone made me a happy boy that if the rest of the month sucked it wouldn't matter because I enjoyed that weekend. But let's hope
I don't jinx it *knocks on wood* since it's only beginning but I'm looking forward to the rest of month.

All righty...


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