This week has been pretty eventful...which is good but also drains my energy out!!
Woke up at 9 today and headed off to work in LA.
Got to work at 10 and helped teach and what not.
I left work early and got home around 1. Just chilled, didn't feel like doing anything even though I should have been doing my homework -_- D'OH!
At about 3, I drive to meet up with Matt Tran and his posse along with Nes at TapSex.
Meet up, greet each other, all that good stuff and make our way to Cal State LA for the jimmy jam.
As always I do not know what to expect from jams...some times you win and some times you lose. My mentality is just about doing your best.
Our first round we(Me, Matt, and Nes) went up against "Rhythm Invades Mexico" I believe. I've seen these guys from previous jams and they are some dope b-boys. But I don't give a fuuuuck, don't let that shit phase me.
It was a dope and fun battle. In my honest opinion I thought it was close, judges gave it the Mexicans 2/3. *Shrug* I'm not mad that we lost because we did good anyhow. I've come to a realization that whoever I battle the first round...ends up in the finals or winning the jam. So if you want to win a have to battle us first round...I'm a good luck charm lol.
The rest of the jam was coo. I wasn't really paying attention to be honest but the battles I saw looked good.
I'm pretty sure the footage will be posted up soon...or not...would you want to watch it?
No? Okay.
Anyway...all in all I should have just hung out with my girlfriend
Stay humble.
^^^ Better angle.
Look what we got here brothers...MEXICANS!!! lol jk
Our battle against "Rhythm Invades Mexico". Props to these guys, Mexico's pullin' out some crazy moves. Much love to my team for holding it down. Good battle.
Peace, Love, and Hip Hop
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