Battle Zone!!! ... I mean *Field*... 2!!!!
A lot of my compadres are complaining about how lame this jam was...and I'm not going to agree or disagree with them but yes the jam definitely had it's flaws.
First off, the timing...a lot the events and the flow of the jam was very...slow. Everything lagged..the jam was supposed to be from 12 - 8 pm. I arrived at about 2:30 because I had work and the event didn't take off until about...4ish to 5. The jam had 3 events: Popping battles, Heavy Weight Battles(fat people), and a 3 on 3 Breakin' Battle.
I have no idea why things went by so slowly...probably because Psycho(the event thrower) was waiting for more people to come through. But still...when the battles started, I didn't even feel like dancing or battling anymore.
All that waiting was for nothing anyway since Gary, Jon and I battled Unique Styles/Vicious Germs first round. Talk about bad luck -_-
But anyhoo, the pro's of the event were that I got in for free! and the exhibition battle...man oh man was that battle crazy. Vicious Germs vs. Underground Flow..fuckin' nasty ass battle. Everyone thought Vicious Germs had the upper hand but Underground Flow came through, especially Philthy...guy's nasty. Gooood battle, made the whole wait worth it.
Then after the exhibition battle, I left hahaha.
The jam had a lot of potential but lacked in certain areas. Oh well, I'm sure Psycho's next jam will be dope, just gotta stick to the schedule but then again what do I know..I've never thrown a jam yet so I'm sure it's harder than it really looks...fuckin' bitches.
This Thursday at Level 3 in Hollywood, my crew and I will be battling so come through and support. Have fun and freak a leak you slutty mcslut sluts!! Jk
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