So Level 3's "Stomp the Yard" finally happened tonight. It is now 3:29 am and I cannot sleep...YET! But I'm dead tired. I had a pretty long day, went to school, had a meeting with my History group, then went to work, and then went to Level 3.
I honestly did not know what to expect from this event. It wasn't a sister's music group throws club events and this one just so happened to be a dance event. They knew I was involved in the B-boy scene so they asked me and my crew if we were to down to enter..and yeah sounded fun.
Overall the turnout was coo, the club was a lot emptier than it usually was but what can you expect, people got work, school, etc. I'm sure during the weekend it's much more crowded. And who wants to see a bunch of breakdancers anyway?! haha
There were originally supposed to be 6 crews battling...but only 3 including us showed up. Rumor has it some of the other crews didn't have their ID's or something...*shrug* We battled Vanguards for the trophy and cash prize. The battle was shorter than I was only...5 minutes...I only went out like...twice buuuut s'all good.
We ended up winning.. 0_0 something I'm not used to... >.< but yeah
I had fun just messing around with my friends and cyphering.
Thanks for Gary, Mike, Nes, and Barry for coming through and for everyone that supported us. Props to Vanguards and props to Ethiks and my cousin Angie for letting us in for free and taking care of us.
This Saturday = School House Rock'n..hope to see y'all there.
Some pics..
Waiting in the waiting room...haha I need a haircut.
ZH Team
Is he saying pow?
I had no internet for one whole day and as a result I pieced together a few clips of my crew to a create a short video about us.
Please be aware, this is not a trailer nor a demo...
This is simply us...expressing ourselves through the art of B-boyin' and life.
I will most likely take it down some time later so enjoy it.
The song is Explosions in the Sky - First Breath After Coma
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