Man...what a long and tiresome day.
I awoke at 9 am and drove to work.
Stayed at work until 2:30ish and rushed home..but of course there had to be traffic as well as an accident on the freeway -_-
Got home around 3:15ish...changed and drove to Jon's house in Glendale. Pick up Jon.
From there I then drove all the way to Arcadia to pick up Emily. Pick up Emily.
And we finally make our destination to the jam at CSULB.
I was somewhat psyched for this event because as I recall last year Gary, Jon, and I made it to semi-finals so we were hoping to make it far this time as well.
Get to the gym and see that Gary is judging the 2 on 2 newbie battles..haha fuckin' random right?
Stretch out and warm up a bit and also watch a few of the battles.
The event seemed a lot smaller...and we could only break on some...mats or something...I don't know...I guess the school didn't want the gym floor ruined.
Felt really confined actually and the floor was dirty as fuck.
Anyway we battle first round against Green Light crew and make it passed first round.
Now once again here's where things get tricky.
We were second to battle...before us it was Ill Flavored Rejects vs. ???
Ill Flavored passed and we passed first round as well.
If they went down the brackets which they should have because it was a 32 crew cap off we would have battled Ill Flavored next round.
So we wait and by the second round the MC announces a completely different order of the crew listing.
Crews were mixed around on the we ended up not battling Ill Flavored next round and ended up battling who else...fuckin' BHAM Tribe(Zeus, Kane, Panda) for like the 4905843958653476537465034650349359803405793456893725934865 time -_- even though they battled like 3 battles after our first round..
and yes, we lost second round...and to be honest I wasn't mad that we lost I was confused at the fact that they changed the list of the brackets. Why mix crews around if it was going straight down the list?
Smells like some crews got cheated. I mean really...why do this?
I honestly feel the majority of jams I've been going to recently...sorry to say have been pretty whack. I always feel cheated or robbed and I'm actually growing pretty tired of the B-boy scene.
Perhaps it's just me but I'm sure many people understand what I mean and if they don't then that's fine as well...I really don't care haha.
Anyway after the jam, Emily, Jon and I ate around the LB area...there was a Cha for Tea...a Hawaiian BBQ place...a Yogurtland! Yeah just chilled and talked about some interesting things hahaha.
Then dropped off Jon and dropped off Emily and here I am!
So tired from driving...and breakdancing...and weird ass jams lol
All in all...I should have just hung out with my girlfriend today...even though I did hahaha but you understand what I mean...and if you don't then that's fine as well...I really don't care.
Anyway back to the lab I go so I can head off to another jam and see what other shinanigins I'll get into *shrug*
Fuck it.