I just got home a few minutes ago and man...what a random day it was hahaahaha.
I woke up around 9 am and went to work...taught and whatnot...then left around 1:30.
Got home at about 2 and then Gary picked me up because my sister took the car.
So Gary and I head over to "Strictly Business" over in Eagle Rock...same place where New Kids 4 was...literally like 5-10 minutes away from my house.
Anyway by the time we get there the jam is still pretty empty...and pretty much stays that way as the time went by. Of course a few more people showed...but the place wasn't packed. We met up with Jon, Pej, other peeps.
So we stretch out, warm up a little bit, and later on we tried to think of a few routines or commandos outside. Actually came up with two! haha and they weren't that bad!
Jon, Gary, and I battled under "Zombie Hunterz" and we went up against muhfuckin' Soul Control first round. That shit was fuuuun, definitely a good battle.
Since only 14 crews entered the judges decided to pick a top 8 but when the prelims were finished the MC announced that only a top 4 would be chosen. -__-;;
WTF!? What kinda jam...is this...14 crews and you only choose 4 crews out of those? Don't even say, "OH MAYBE THEY WERE RUNNING OUT OF TIME FOR THE VENUE!" No...NO! It was only friggin' 6:30 by the time the preliminaries were finished! So don't even get to me on that.
So they announce the four crews and waddya know the announcer says, "Next up we need Zombie Hunterz vs. Knucklehead Zoo." ??? Confusion hit me as straight as an arrow shot into the sun. This MC must be high off his ass cause he has no idea what the hell he's talking about! So now they were doing a Top 8 again..i had no idea why they kept switching it around...
So we battle Knucklehead Zoo...the MC says, "2 rounds a piece!" ... Okay so I figure he means we each get two turns. So I throw a weaker set first to save my shit for my second round. But wouldn't you know it by the time we finish our first rounds the announcer asks the judges to choose the winner. ??? once again confusion! This motherfucker has no idea what he's doing! 2 rounds a piece...what the hell else could that mean other than each person gets two rounds...
So! I was disappointed in myself because if I had known the battle was going to be 1 round each person...I'd of thrown out a better and stronger round...GODDAMMIT! So I was not happy with our second battle but s'all good.
I was still happy we made it to Top 8 and for battling a crew like Soul Control...I felt we repped that shit hard...even if my steps were a little stuttery >.< Hopefully there will be footage soon.
Another con of the jam was the DJ...he literally played the same records over and over for different battles...I could've sworn I heard "It's just begun" like 3 times!
Get some new records!!!
I honestly don't mean no disrespect, it is really hard to throw an event but you have to think about the people who pay and try to support the scene...don't make false calls!
Anyway other than that it was coo to see a few familiar faces and whatnot. Nica came! It was good seeing her again and we met her friend Angel...who turned out to be J-Mal's cousin!!! Hahahaha so random!!!
Speaking of which, the rest of the whole night was really random but enjoyable nonetheless!
Noodle World is now the official after spot for b-boys to go to after a jam lol.
I'm dead tired.
Till next time.
P.S. Stay posted! Don't think I forgot about my badass list! The next one is coming up!!!
1 comment:
your face is random! ho ho ho
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