- SATURDAY - 1-17-09
I woke up as a 20 year old at about 9 am and went on to work in the morning. I taught and left around 1ish with my sister. We went to go get some Yogurtland first and made our way to the Los Angeles Gun Club.
We made our way to the shooting range and met up with Ben, Ruben, Gary, my sister's boyfriend David, and my cousin Dito.
I was pretty excited because I've never shot a gun before so this was a new experience for me.
The worker gave us a quick introduction on how to load and shoot and from there on it was on!!!
At first I was a bit more nervous but after the first shot, you get used to it fast and easy. It was pretty dope and really fun! I shot a 9mm Beretta and a HK USP...fuckin' trigger happy with those. Later on Tony, Justin, Socheat, and Nikki came and shot up some sheeeit. Ima def go again so whoever's down let me know!
Moving along we went back to my pad and my mom had everything set up pretty much. It was chill, we just ate some sandwiches, corndogs, drank some of this and some of that. More people came as time went by and it was just a kickback. I was happy to be with friends, family, and my lovely ladyfriend ^_^
I thank everyone who came and also gave me a gift.
Some pics..
USP or as Ruben puts it, "Snake's gun"
Gary shootin' his load.


Zombie hunting training!

It's dope how the camera caught the muzzle flash.

Tony...the Laotian Assassin...

Playing Jenga and Taboo and all that gangster shit.
My babybooboogaga!
The parentals
Birthday B-boys
Familia...my dad looks funny in this picture hahaha
I didn't know my jizz was black!
Chocolate? This is doodoo baby!!!
And yes...I'll make my own damn zombie targets if I must!
If you're looking for more...you can check my myspace(myspace.com/monksorc) or facebook.
I guess I can cross shooting range off my "Things to do in 2009" list.
- SUNDAY - 1-18-09
The following day, I was supposed to wake up at 8 am but instead I woke up around 9..either my alarm didn't go off or I needed another hour to rest because last night I went to sleep at about 4 am haha.
Got ready and drove over to Emily's house.
Got to her house and picked her up.
Saw her mom for a brief moment...
"Thank you for taking Emily to Irvine."
Me: Oh you're welcome, it's no problem.
"So...are you Chinese?"
Me: Oh no..I'm Korean.
"Oh..Korean." *walks away*
Hahaha anyway moving along, Emily and I drove back to Irvine to drop off her stuff and then we finally made our way to the land of Disney! haha
It was pretty crowded but s'all good. Emily got in for free cause it was her birthday..lucky her >.<
It was fun although some of the rides were unavailable...Haunted Mansion, It's a Small World, and Splash Mountain. Somewhat of a bummer but it was still fun riding all the other rides. I still haven't ridden It's A Small World yet since I was like 5 years old..every time I go it's always under construction or something buuut oh well.
Another bummer would have to be the fireworks show!!! It got canceled due to "unusual wind conditions"..son of a bitch!!! We had really good seats too! Haha but overall it was still a fun and tiring day haha.
Happy to spend it with the mrs. ^____^
Drove back to Irvine and went to shreeeep.
I suppose I can cross Disneyland off my "Things to Do in 2009" as well.
- MONDAY - 1-19-09
Can you believe how fast 2 years go by? This morning I woke up to the most beautiful face I could imagine...the mirror...JUST KIDDING! Of course my lovely ladyfriend!!!
Unfortunately we couldn't spend the whoooole day together because she had stuff to do so we went out to lunch and got some yogurtland...again haha.
And out of nowhere guess who I see...motherfucking ABE! haha so random!!!
Then I dropped off Emily at school and made my way back to LA...pretty smooth ride.
And home here I am.
I had a great weekend and hope everyone did as well.
Till next time..stay up everybody! Back to work tomorrow.
Oh yeah...DON'T SCREW UP OBAMA! haha
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