1. Ash Williams

The King of the B-Movies. I remember I was up late one night and I came across a movie called, "Army of Darkness" on TV. I quickly became addicted and watched the whole Evil Dead series. It was from then on I knew that Bruce Campbell's character "Ash" was a total badass.
For one thing, he has a chainsaw for a hand and a double barreled shotgun that never runs out of ammo even when going back in time. His witty charm can always brighten any situation no matter how dark and hopeless it has become.
2. The T-1000

A classic character in the Terminator franchise that completely made Arnie's T-800 look like scrap metal. The friggin' guy's made out of poly-mimetic metal or "liquid metal" so he's able to shape shift into anything he touches but it cannot take on the properties of complex machinery or chemical substances (such as explosives).
It can create knives or clubs from it's own body, flow through small gaps, and simple seal over most damage. I don't even know if he can get eaten by zombies or get infected or whatever. Plus he's a fast ass runner.
Despite having these technological advances, excessive extremes of heat (in the thousands of degrees - a few hundred doesn't bother it) or cold can do some damage to it, affecting it's ability to shape shift, and potentially destroy it.
3. Yautja aka "The Predator"

An extra-terrestrial being that is known for trophy-hunting different species for sport. Despite being seen as a vicious hunter, Predators have a sense of honor when it comes to hunting. For example, Predators do not kill individuals that pose any serious threat, although there are cases where Predators disobey the code of honor and kill any who come near. If a Predator fails to make a kill, it will usually result in an honorary suicide.
Predators have a mixed arsenal between technologically advanced to basic weaponry.
A Predator is typically equipped with a cloaking device make it almost impossible to see, a shoulder cannon, and wrist blades. In addition, some Predators also have a variety of spears, blades, net cannons, infrared vision, and throwing shurikens or discs.
4. Dae Han Park from Best of the Best

A native of South Korea who is a veteran of the martial arts. He is a vicious fighter and an ultimate badass when it comes to 1980's martial arts flicks.
He killed a man in competition and sports an eye patch over his left eye for unknown reasons.
5. Anton Chigurh

The villain from the film, "No Country for Old Men", a menacing character who brought chills to my spine whenever he had that blank stare going with his monotone voice. He's got an arsenal of weapons that include a silenced shotgun, a sub machine gun, and a compressed cattle air gun.
These would be my five. BRING IT ON BITCH
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