I guess I've just been lazy and haven't really had anything to update about.
My Halloween weekend was pretty fun.
Did things different days, just hanging with family and friends.
Didn't get to trick or treat sadly but it's cool, had fun just going out.

I was Jacob from Twilight...a goddamn wolf!

Partying with the fam.

With the sisters, Tooth Fairy and Peg Bundy.

Partying with one of the five Deadmau5's that were at House of Blues.

Hey can I take a picture with you? I don't have a camera. HARHARHAR
And stuff like that.
Besides that, November has been pretty slow but I'm trying to do my thaaang which consists of working, schooling, chilling, trying to practice and yeah.
I recently got sick...pretty bad. I hear there's something going around but I had a pretty bad cough along with a runny nose. I'm getting a little better but some symptoms come and go.
Haven't been practicing as much as I want to. I feel like I'm getting more and more rusty which is a bad thing cause I want to really get better. I mainly took a break just to rest my wrists...they've been hurting for a while so I've been sessioning maybe once a week but I really needa get back into it for consistently.
It's also hard to practice because of a lack of a good practice spot. Everywhere is either really far or costs a lot of money..or both! It's hard to make some practices because of my schedule. I'm always jumping here to there on a daily basis and it gets pretty annoying. Gas = money.
Been busy with other things as well but I need to put more time and focus into them as well. I'm lagging with it in school, some people are moving ahead of me so I need to play catch up and study more. But then again they go full time...from like the morning to evening...and with my work schedule I can't do that. Just gotta use my time more wisely and put every minute in doing work. My teacher is also a troll.
Been trying to gear up for my 2nd Degree Black belt testing. It's hard to maintain training when you teach almost every day. I received my Black belt around 2003? 2004? So it's been a while since I last tested so I needa hustle and memorize my sheit. Testing is in December..GET SOME!
Also needa get back into working out...I used to just workout at home...doing some cardio and lightweight lifting just to keep in shape but lately I've been preoccupied with other things I haven't done any exercise at home in a while. So needa get back into that as well...dieting too.
My wisdom teeth are growing out and it's starting to irritate me. Needa get them out soon...I think all four...PUT ME TO SLEEP!
Yep so those are pretty much my predicaments I need to handle. Till then see ya next time ;]
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