My friends and I would have weekly sessions at my homie's house.
It was tough because we didn't have anyone to teach us the fundamentals or foundation of B-boyin'.
Keep in mind this was before youtube came around and only a few sites had some vids up. This is the era when B-boyin' was underground.
We mainly found our inspiration through our own creativity as well as each other.
We did manage to find a few videos here and there.
I remember watching a lot of BOTY clips that included Expression and many French crews.
My friend also had a B-boy tutorial didn't really help us much but we worked with what we had.
Movies were also a big motivation for us.
I remember as a kid, I'd watch my cousin try to learn how to break and we'd watch films such as, "Beat Street", "Flashdance", and so forth.
I think the lack of resources helped me dig deep into my own creativity but it did make me lack the basics of Breakin'.
I didn't learn windmills until a year or two after I started dancing but it didn't really matter to me because I was more focused on creating something original and different than something that's already been done.
Nowadays I see there's a reversal of resources.
Now there's countless videos on the internet, many open session spots, workshops/seminars, jams, TV shows, and on and on. I think kids are spoiled with all this exposure because they have so many resources to turn to.
It's dope but I do see a lack of creativity within the new generation.
Don't be scared to do you.
Anyway this goes out to my original crew back in the day.

Styles of Rhythm
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