Didn't really have that much interesting stuff to post about and I was going through some shit -_-
BUT! Now that it's all pretty much dealt with I can return to whoever reads this damn thing.
I still don't have much stuff to update about...things are still going the same.
Living the daily grind; going to school, working every day except Sundays, sessioning here and there, just chilling, trying to focus, and stay out of trouble..
I've been going to sleep earlier which is good...except for today...it's 4:43 am O_O I don't know why I'm not tired...could be the orange iced tea -_-
But I'm usually in bed by 12 or 1 am and wake up around 7:30-8 and head off to school.
Eh today will be an exception since...I don't know...since it's Friday.
A big happy birthday shoutout to my homie Barry! Still a young tiger at heart!

If you have time check out his new clothing line!
And if you don't have time...MAKE TIME! lol
Anyhoo...since I don't have nothing really to post I'll post a video that really helped me see the true definition of HIP HOP back in the day.
I want to share this video with you readers out there because there has been a lot of speculation as to what Hip Hop is or what it should be.
These include the elements of Hip Hop such as MCing, DJing, B-boyin' and Graff.
I forgot where I saw this video but director, Konee Rok explores the underground Hip Hop scene of Chicago, Illinois asking many different artists of Hip Hop (b-boys, MC's, DJ's, graffiti artists) what Hip Hop means to them...how do they define Hip Hop?
I love this video because within these artists...every artist has a different interpretation of what Hip Hop means to them. There is no specific definition of what Hip Hop means because each individual interprets the culture differently.
And that my friend is why Hip Hop is so universal...it's not a black or white culture that says this is how this should be and this is how that should be.
It's an open art form that evolves regularly but never forgets its roots.
Please enjoy and keep an open mind!
..My next post will be better...I HOPE T_T
...oh yeah fuck Anthony Martinez.
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