Anyway. I am back once again reporting to you...from my room.
Bored..should be sleeping but hey who the hell does that anymore.
Car registration stickers still have not far I've been hitching rides with my friends or my family. Causes a hassle and I hate asking for rides but how else will I get to work or school? The bus? Train? HELL NAH FOO!
This is one of the reasons why I hate the DMV...cause they always cause problems and take so friggin' long! I wanna punch em in the mouth!
How was everybody's Thanksgiving? Hope everyone had a good time ;] Eat lots of turkey and what time to burn it all off... O_O
Ugh feeling the stress grow bigger...this and that. School, work, money, friggin' DMV; they all build up to give me a headache.
I think I drink too much soda..I needa cut back on that shit. Been addicted to that stuff since I was a kid. I did go on a long break from it but somewhere along the line I broke! My New Year's resolution was to hold off until February 2010...PSSSSSSSSHHHH yeah right, it's only December..imagine if I did hold off until now...that means I'd still be 2 months away from tasting that black liquid gold!!!
No! NOO! I'll cut back but not completely...every once and while should be okay ^_^
Overdraft fees are gay...FUCKING HATE OVERDRAFT FEES! I don't even have any money to stop them from adding that shit up. Fucking website charged the wrong card so now I got that shit on my shoulders. Uuuuuggghhhh.
Finals are coming up soon and this carless situation makes it hard to go to class since I always have to wonder how I'm going to get home from school.
Haven't driven my car since last Tuesday and it feels like forever. It's amazing how much money you save from gas though...hurry the fuck up DMV.
Re-injured my side once again on a Sunday practice. Everything was going well and I felt fine so I figure why not try my crickets again and BAM! Right after I felt the sting in my side and found it hard to breathe. I no longer am gonna do that move because no matter how much I heal or wait...even if I do 2 or 3 soft ones...the pain comes right back...So crickets you are officially retired.
Sucks how injuries can really limit your skills...yeah fuck injuries. Oh well plenty of other moves to pursue..gotta stay up!!!
So what's the real purpose behind this post? To vent about my feelings and current predicaments? Perhaps...NO.

THIS! My friends is the real reason behind my post! Behold with your very own eyes...the long awaited event..."HE GOT GAME!!!!"
So uh? Is it a jam or a BBQ? This is not a competition...that doesn't mean it's not a jam! A jam doesn't have to be a competition or whatever the fuck you "B-BOYS" do nowadays. This is an event mainly for the local scene and those that come to Yosemite Sunday sessions. It's pretty much gonna be the same thing but we're going to have a few organized battles for everyone's entertainment. Should be fun and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone there :] Good luck to all b-boys!
There's open session and open call outs during the event. Hit me up if you have any questions..
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