Let's recap on what I did during my summer break...
I basically just spent my time working, practicing, and hanging out with the mrs. and my friends. Even though I didn't really do anything crazy over the summer I still had a good time just doing the stuff I love to do which is named above.
Perhaps next time I get a break I should plan something more adventurous but I enjoyed the chill time off from school.
I guess I'll do a quick and short recap over my summer events:
1. Got 2nd place -_- in the Kollaboration B-boy Battles..it was still a fun event because we got in for free and got to enjoy the rest of the show. Of course I wish the results were different buuuut this pushes me to train harder.
2. Attended AX and even though it wasn't has fun as the past years it was still a cool event to attend. Dressed up as the ghetto Hulk and messed around with my buddies at the dances...SMOKIN' FOOS! lol
3. Congrats to Ruben and Matt on getting into Zombie Hunterz. Work hard..tis only the beginning!!!
4. Went to the beach a few times with the homies and the mrs. Had a fun time.
Here's some pics..

I didn't know they took a picture of me...STALKER status...


5. Attended the 2nd day of Freestyle Session...yeah.
Ummmmmm!! I'm sure I did more I just don't really recall a lot of it. A lot of chillin', watching movies, working, and dancing...but you don't wanna hear all that! So yeah ;]
All though school has started I still hope to keep up my session schedule but so far it's been physically exhausting to school it, work it, and practice it.
Back on the daily grind..
Since Monday I've gotten up every day at 8 am and boy does it leave me tired when I get out of class. I guess I'm still struggling to sleep early and get up early.
So far I haven't come that late to class so I'm hoping to keep that up.
Today I woke up at 8 am...had to move two cars, got gas, went to class. Only like 5 minutes late cause it was hard to find the building -_-
I can already tell this class(Theater Arts) was going to be boring. I took Theater Arts 7B and I liked that class because it discussed modern film history and we watched a lot of dope movies like Yojimbo, Once Upon A Time in the West, Raging Bull, and so on.
Now I'm taking 7A and I found myself falling asleep during the teacher's lecture and his short old movies...hopefully later on it'll intrigue me more and we can watch better movies...but yeah...
So got out of that class...got home and ate a small lunch. I already felt tired so I took a short nap and went to work.
Got there early so I did a small workout before class. Helped and taught three classes from 5-8 and then headed home.
I was already more exhausted but right when I got home I changed and waited for Mike and Barry to go to session.
Headed to practice and got there at about...9:40? Sessioned until 11:30 and we chilled for a little bit at In-N-Out and now I'm home.
Tired and should be sleeping since I have to wake up at 8 again tomorrow...buuuut I think I can manage.
Anyway here's to a good year and hope to see y'all soon!
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