Ahahahahaha this one cracked me up big time. It also suits Gary ;]
Anyway besides that!
I just came back from watching Watchmen and all in all it was a dope movie.
The film did have a few differences from the comic but nothing too serious, the biggest change was the ending but some may argue that the movie ending was a bit more realistic and practical. Overall the film stayed true to the comic's essence.
I personally agree that the movie ending was better than that of the comic but honestly it depends on the reader/viewer's taste.
Rorschach did not disappoint, he's my favorite if not everyone's favorite character from the comic. Jackie Earle Haley, that's right the kid from Bad News Bears(1976) and the hippie bum from Semi-Pro does an amazing job portraying the character. He really looks like him too. Genuine badass.
Oh and Robert Downey Jr. does not play The Comedian lol.
But anyway I liked it and you really don't have to read the comic to enjoy it. It's filled with some nice fight scenes..a lot more detailed and choreographed than the comic but then again it is a movie so yeah and memorable dialogue, props to Alan Moore for an amazing comic book.
I'm satisfied and thought it was worth the wait.
Peep it!
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