Anyway I got up today even before my dad 0_0 but he saw me just when I was leaving haha.
I started school on Monday and to be honest as much as I hate school, I'm glad I'm still going. I love to learn (except math) even if it's a struggle..cause knowing is half the battle....G.I. JOOOOOOOOOOOOEEEEEE...anyway I just wish I could have gotten more classes I wanted.
Still trying to add more and work out my schedule but things seem to be working out between work and what not.
It feels so weird to be up this's only 9:37...around this time I'm probably sleeping and won't get up for another 3 or 4 hours haha.
But I have been trying to go to sleep earlier and getting up feels like you did a lot more in your day even if you didn't haha.
Later on I got work and stuff but that's not for a while...
I'm getting sick or am sick...I can't tell if it's just allergies or a cold but I've been sneezing a lot lately and blowing yellow shit out of my nose daily so it's probably a cold. I hope I can stop it before the infection spreads 0_0
Hmm in other news...the Chul Jin Martial Arts tournament was on Sunday. They had a demo team competition which was something new and I though that was very cool and new because usually it's an exhibition just to showcase but this was a BATTLE! ooooohhhhh...0_0
So my dad asked to organize a small routine for it...I rounded up some students...and by some I mean three and myself which added up to 4 >.< and we organized our show in 3 days hahaha.
But all in all it was fun and it turned out pretty good with a few minor mistakes.
Only 2 other schools competed in the was straight out the motherland..KOOOOOREA!!! and they only had 4 people as well.
We tied with Korea for 2nd place so you know what that meant...MUH-FUCKIN' TIE BREAKER BATTLE B-BOY!!!! They were doing airflares and shit and we was all like hell no and came through with that ZOOLOO ROCKSTEADY SHIT! CAUSE THEY DON'T KNOW!!! lol
You'd wish right? No. We just both got 2nd place and celebrated bitches! Hahaha
I'll probably post pics and vids later when I feel like it!
Then went to practice after.
Lately I've been so pumped to practice..I don't know why but who cares!
There's a hole in my pants that keeps getting bigger and bigger...probably cause of my super knee spins that I do at practice.
"Hey Yong why you go session in jeans?"
Me: Because it has too.. 0_0
And then I hit his face with a boiling coffee pot. I should start sessioning in sweats or track pants...or whatever they wear...cause ima beeee-boy!!! ... No but I really should...this is my second pair of pants I've ripped cause of dancing...but then again that's the fashion!!! My pants are probably more expensive now cause they're trendy n shit. Breakdancing + Ripped Jeans = SUPER AWESOME COOL!
You're probably asking me what's the point of this blog...and I'll get to that...cause this blog does have a meaning...a very strong and emotional one at that.
You know what I always come Billy from Power Rangers was always a pussy when he was in normal mode but when he switched into Power Ranger mode he was super badass...and all the guys in normal mode were badasses anyway...
I guess cause he's a modest guy...I used to not like him as a child cause he was the virgin nerd of the group but now that I think of it...that state of mind seems to be the right way of thinking.
The other power rangers would all show off n shit in normal mode but not Billy...he would wait for the right time to morph AND then go Segal on their ass...except in the movie...he was badass in normal mode but that's the movie!
And don't give me that shit.."DUDE the first power rangers was filmed in Japan! They just cut scenes together with the American version!" I know that Rabbit!
My favorite Power Ranger was either the red ranger, green ranger and then it moved over to the Black Ranger cause that fucka could dance the shit out!
Look at him go!
But now I think the Blue Ranger has stepped'll probably change again in the future anyway when I realize Billy's a pussy but for now...HE'S ALLLLLLL RIGHT.

Kind of reminds me of Bill Gates...that's probably who he was modeled after...

But BAM! Actually...his suit does looks pretty dope...maybe it's just cause I like the color blue...if I had to choose which color power ranger I'd be it'd probably be blue...but for media reasons they'd probably cast me as the Yellow Ranger for reasons I cannot explain >.>
PCC parking is ridiculous...even though I don't park in the structure...I have a secret spot where the roses grow and the children the song of hearts!
This post was dedicated to all you people that like reading shit that wastes time...and I know you love it.
Just trying to update as frequently as possible with interesting stuff.. YEAH
On a side note my friend Tony completed the second comic in the Zombie Hunter series. PEEP IT! haha

I miss my girlfriend >.<
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