Blaaaaaah I feel like I'm getting fatter...I need to go on a diet and workout more...
Went to session today with Gary and Nica...before they were just chilling at my house...they made me eat Corn Pops and Hot Cheetos...pretty gross mix but I didn't think it was at the time so I ate and ate and ate and by the time we get to the session spot..I feel fuckin' heavy.
Session didn't go to well haha, I tried to just practice power buuut for some reason I just wasn't feeling it. Could be the floor...the floor at Hazard is always slippery for some matter what shoe I wear I never seem to be able to get a grip on the stage or gym floor which makes practicing flares and power harder. Also could have been the small snacks we ate before hand..whatever it was I just felt slow and not as hyped up to practice new shit but I'm sure that happens to everyone.
I'll be pumped up on Wednesday! Because this time I won't eat any junk food before session haha. Maybe I'll buy myself a Monster to crank my shit up to the level 11!
But anyway only session for hour or hour and a half...not long and I didn't get anything done sadly...
So we went back to South Pasadena and decided to go eat and where did we go you ask!
..Carrows. Haven't been there in forever...I have a deep feeling about the Carrows in South Pas being racist because every time I go there it takes about 15-20 maybe even 30 minutes for them to take our order. People that are seated after us get their order taken and have their food arrive before we even get any service! So sometimes I have a negative view on the Carrows in South Pas but perhaps this time would be different because this time...we had a white kid...sorta lookalike which was Gary! We all need an ace in the hole...mine's Gary...
And what do you know we get service pretty fast! So since I decided I was going to go on a diet now...I ordered a salad haha! Nica ordered a steak...Gary also ordered a salad so she was the man of the evening hahahaha. I ate that shit RAW! lol
And sadly today was the last day I will be having soda...I've decided with the influence of Matt Tran, Amy, and Gary that I will put off soda for the rest of the year. Yes, yes I've added it to my list of resolutions...not sure if I will be able to pull through but with Obama on my side...I CAN DO ANYTHING!!!
Anyway so we finish eating and Nica drops us off at my house and then I drive Gary to his pad.
We were supposed to play fuckin' Left 4 Dead but for some odd reason his XBox 360 wasn't working right which sucks because earlier in the day he was playing it with Nica. So we ended up playing Call of Duty: Worlds at War or whatever..pretty fun even though we kept getting killed and I kept shooting all my teammates buuuut whatever.
Then drove on home and took a shower and here I am blogging for no potential reason. Perhaps it's because some people feel that the only reason they should update their blog is because of a significant event that occurred in their life of some sort. But today I just feel like the old days with the kids and the xanga...I recall so many countless pointless posts I wrote..just about things on my mind, things I did, or just random shit. Funny..we had so much time on our hands in our days of youth. WHAT? FUCK YOU!
Anyway did anyone watch the Superbowl!? Cause I didn't! 0_0
Hahaha you're gonna say, "Cause you went to the jam on Sunday?!" and I'm gonna reply, "No! Just because I didn't feel like it!" Haha
To be honest, I don't really follow up on Football nor any sport know what I did on Sunday? Absolutely nothing...and it felt good to just rest and let my mind wander into oblivion.
Why didn't I go to the jam? Well I guess the most legitimate reason would be I have no cash, another reason would be I didn't have anyone to enter with...but I guess the most honest reason would be because..I just didn't feel like it haha.
I finally got to see my really feels like it's been ages since I've seen her. I haven't seen her since we last went to Irvine for Disneyland and our 2 year celebration! But we finally got to hang out.
Watched Taken and Slumdog Millionaire...yeah we movie hopped! MUH-FUCKIN' STRAIGHT STREET! Both good movies in their own way. Taken defines itself through it's genre...think of it as a Steven Segal movie...guy gets his daughter kidnapped, guy turns out to be ex-CIA, guy goes on a ass beating spree killing anyone who crosses his path, guy rescues daughter and lives happily ever after! Now replace Steven Segal's face with Liam Neeson and you got Taken!
The movie had a good pace...beginning was a bit slow but I personally like that timing because you anticipate the conflicts within the film more. Right when the shit hits the fan, the movie has a good flow.
Although the film follows a repetitive formula: guy finds bad guy who tells him where another bad guy is and guy finds him and so forth but I feel that with all the complicated and stylish movies out today this is something the general audience needs at the moment; a straight-forward action/thriller, expect no twists nor crazy ending, just a "man on fire" type movie about a guy who will stop at nothing to get his daughter back.
Liam Neeson does a good job too. He doesn't fuck around in this movie and he pulls it off well. His style of fighting resembles Krav Maga..which suits his flashy fight choreography or anything just straight raw hand to throat combat.
I was a little disappointed by the PG-13 rating because I know for a fact that this is an R rated movie in other countries...they even show footage in the trailers that didn't make the US cut that I was hoping for...Oh well I guess I'll wait till the DVD comes out.
But anyway, this isn't a bad flick..check it out if you got the time.
As for Slumdog Millionaire which is a completely different film in many ways was exceptionally good. And I guess you don't need to hear it from me because it's been nominated for 10 Oscars!
I read up on the movie to see what the hype was all about and it did have an interesting synopsis.
The film reminded me in many ways of the movie, "City of God" which is another one of my favorite films..only with less blood haha. Slumdog Millionaire is about a young man who is on the verge of winning 20 million rupees on the Indian version of "Who Wants to be a Millionaire". After he gets accused of cheating, he is interrogated by the police and the film goes from past to present through a series of flashbacks to reveal how the protagonist knows the answers.
The movie is very well paced and keeps the viewer interested showcasing the protagonist's past and his struggles between family and love.
Definitely an interesting and good flick..CHECK IT OUT!
It's also dope cause it's the same director of 28 Days Later! So...YEAH!
Then Emily and I ate at Crane Sushi...mmmm good...NOM NOM NOM NOM!
And then yeah...cops are whack...fuckin' pigs!
What was this post about again? Why are you reading this?