Tuesday, August 31, 2010

7. Your best friend(s)

My best friends would have to be Chris Wu, Matt Tran, and AC.
All of whom are very good friends I've known for many years.
Ima always have their backs no matter the distance.
I met AC and Chris back in 1st or 2nd grade and we would just play a lot of random games like Pokemon, Gundam Wing, Zombies, and other shit that included a lot of fighting and gun shooting haha.
I met Matt Tran in about 9th grade through Chris and we clicked right away because he shared a lot of the same interests and had a similar sense of humor.
We hollered at chicks, got hit up by gangstas, raved at dances lol, Breakdance, rap, make movies, get into trouble...$230 citation for ditching!??!?! Shoplift shit back in middle school >_< party, and just chill and share a good laugh.
Pretty much the same stuff we do now! LOL jk except for the hollering of chicks, breakin', rapping, making movies, party and bullshit. And just chill.

If I could though I would make all my friends my best friends though! ;] Haha

Monday, August 30, 2010

6. Your Day

It is now 4:48am on a Monday.
I have to get up in about 4 hours for class so I should get some shuteye soon but honestly I want to post about my day because today is one of those days where I just had a good time hanging with the homies.
So last night I got in late from SD so I woke up around noon today when I was supposed to wake up earlier to help out my mom at my dad's school for a seminar.
She already told me she got it done but I arrived anyway to take a sparring seminar with Bill Wallace.
If you don't know who Bill Wallace is, he's a pioneer in competitive sparring in Kickboxing and Karate.

He used to train at my father's studio back in the day so he taught a workshop about sparring tips.
I decided to take it and it was enjoyable. He gave us good stretching tips to get more flexible and a lot small tips on how to distract and enclose distance.
Needa get back into training TKD too.
After that headed home and ate some leftover Chinese food.
Watched the second half of Inglorious Basterds on TV...forgot how good that movie was and called my homie Chris to see if he wanted to chill since he just got back from Asia.
I met up with Chris, Tam, AC, Corey, and Stanley...all good friends I knew in high school. I don't think I've been in a big group of high school friends for a long while so it was cool for everyone to come out and chill.
We went to Cha first, played a few rounds of Big 2 while catching up on current events. Then moved the party over to Garden Cafe because we got hungry.
There we started talking about past events and the high school dramas that unfolded.
I forgot about so much stuff that happened back in the day, I was cracking up so bad.
Just talked and joked the whole time we were there and it was dope to share those memories with the homies.
Needa have one of those hangouts again because it really has been too long since we chilled together.
A great and unexpected way to end the day...just chillin' with my boys and reminiscing and catching up on what's new.
Now gotta get back to the grind.
Till next time ;]

Sunday, August 29, 2010

5. Your definition of love

To me love is a hard thing to come by.
It's something you cannot define in words because it's something you must encounter and experience. I honestly feel everyone has their own definition of love.
When people speak of love and announce their love for their significant other...I ponder in my mind if they really know what they're talking about.
I remember in my younger days I wasn't so pessimistic about the subject because I didn't know what love was...but now that I have gone through a few relationships and see the tragedy love can bring to a person; I question if love is really what it's built up to be.
I do believe in love but I feel it is something you shouldn't say if you truly do not mean it.
I think love takes time like many other things in life and when you truly do feel you are in love then by all means go for it...just be real.
Don't be so corny with the subject because love should not be associated with "puppy love"...love is something grown and mature.
If you've been dating a person for like a month and you already announce your love for that person then I believe you're jumping the gun and rushing your emotions.
I try not to play around with the L word because it is a strong word that can lead to ultimate bliss or tragedy in one person's heart.
That's the gamble you take when you take part of the subject.
All in all, I have no definition of love. I'm still learning it myself and perhaps one day when I find the right girl I'll get back to you on that but until then...

I'm in lesbians with you.

World of Dance: San Diego

Just got back World of Dance in a Whale's Vagina.
Woke up at 9am and got ready.
Picked up Mike then Willy and his friend Maddy.
Then we made our way to SD, the car ride was pretty cool but we did hit traffic so it was slow at some points.
Got there early anyway and found parking near the venue.
I originally thought the event was going to be in the SD Convention Center but it turned out to be in the SD Counture or something? So it was a lot smaller than I had expected.
Eh, whatever.
Met up with Jenn and Julie and two of her friends at the front. Didn't get to hangout with them as much though during the event :[
Ate Panera's...good sandwiches yet very filling.
Then went in line to get in the event.
Waited for about 2 FRIGGIN' HOURS! It was ridiculous, just sitting there.
Finally get in and find out the bboy event was outside.
Ventured inside the building and saw a few vendors here and there and the main stage where the choreo competition was taking place.
There was also a dance floor for jerkin'/dougie/poppin' I suppose.
A lot of SD/OC bboys showed up. I saw a few LA heads so Mike and I just decided to enter the 2 on 2's but I really didn't feel ready because lately my practice has been kinda off. Needa focus on getting better but the past week no matter how much I forced myself, it still seemed unsatisfying to my taste.
Needa improve and today gave me that motivation to do so because I see that a lot of people have gotten better.
Out of about 30 crews, the judges would only pick a Top 8 so chances were very slim we'd make it to the next level but it's cool because like I said before, I didn't feel ready.
For my prelim round, I felt satisfied because I was focusing on just staying clean and executing nicely but next battle ima try to dish out some new stuff.
Anyway on with the highlights of the event.
Jerkin' vs. Breakin'! HAHAHA I knew this was going to happen, the jerkers had a better dance floor inside the venue and the bboys slowly started creeping onto it to warm up as well. Soon a cypher formed and then the clash began!
I didn't take part of the event because for one thing why would I want to battle jerkers? I did record some of it though so hopefully I'll post it up in the future but let's just say it was pretty heated. It's just funny how serious bboys can get and this battle is funny indeed.
Moving along, the new school battles were all right. I honestly feel if my squad from the last WOD entered this event, we could've made it far but it was dope to see new heads and people improving their skills.
Didn't stay to watch the final battle nor did I stay for the 2 on 2 final so you're gonna have to look up on youtube or something to figure out who won what, where.
Justdoit was crazy in his exhibition...it's doper to see him in person because his flow and musicality is very on point..very unpredictable.
I think the best battle of the night that got me hype was the crew exhibition battle between Battle Born and Bang Uh Rang. Both sides came out hard...definitely check that one out when you can.
Another highlight would be that I didn't get any of my shit stolen! Yaaaay!
I didn't seriously injure my knee again! Yaaaaaaaaay!
Bought two spin beanies! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Now I can magically do headspins!

And the lowpoints would probably be:
- The long ass wait in the line to get in.
- Small venue...

Uhm...that's it!
I also peeped some of the choreo performances...some were pretty dope but others were weird fashion show/walking around during music and posing shows...yeah, I don't know.
Then left the event and dropped off Willy's friend in Irvine and ate at JJ's.
Came home and here I am!
I will probably update with pictures and videos when I get the chance but for now...enjoy my words with your imagination!!!

Oh yeah! And peep this..

Best song for roadtrips! HAHAHA

...WOD Pomona was better.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

4. A habit you wish you didn't have

The number one habit I wish I could get rid of is procrastinating way tooo much.
I'm probably the biggest procrastinator you'll ever come across and I really want to punch myself in the nuts for being so lazy sometimes.
Really needa get over that habit and get shit done.

Friday, August 27, 2010

3. A picture of you and your friends

Myself and my crew, Zombie Hunterz after our very first exhibition battle against Suicide Kings at the first Breakfest event in 2008.

2. Your first Love

When I was about 15 years old I fell into my first serious relationship with a girl from my high school.
I’ve known her since middle school but we were never really in the same group of friends but we were all associated with one another.
I forgot how but somehow we began talking on a consistent level, mainly through AIM and we decided to hangout one fine afternoon.
A few more hangouts followed up and I ended getting my first kiss and we finally confessed our feelings for each other.
I was actually surprised because we were very different but I guess opposites attract...and I thought I was ugly.
We got together shortly after and we went out for about six months. Within that time span, I fell in “love” but I still contemplate whether it was just puppy love.
We threw out the L word after a few weeks of seeing each other and we’d say it to each other every day.
Of course I was heartbroken when we split being that she was my first girlfriend but time heals all wounds and I feel your first relationship really teaches you that love is not an easy thing to come by.
As I look back I saw that we weren’t right for each other but I still have good memories and wish all the best.
I have no regrets because life is always filled with ups and down.
So they say, “It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.”

Thursday, August 26, 2010

1. Yourself

I realize my recent posts have very little to do with me or my outlooks on life.
Usually they're just videos that inspire to live, learn, and love which is something I want to share with the rest of the world.
To show how we can find inspiration from anything and everything.
But I've decided to take it upon myself to write more about me.
I saw my friend post this on his blog to keep his blogging more consistent so I decided to do the same.

- 30 -
Day 01 - yourself.
Day 02 - your first love.
Day 03 - A picture of you and your friends
Day 04 - A habit that you wish you didn’t have
Day 05 - your definition of love.
Day 06 - your day.
Day 07 - your best friend(s).
Day 08 - a moment.
Day 09 - your beliefs.
Day 10 - what you wore today.
Day 11 - what you ate today.
Day 12 - what’s in your bag.
Day 13 - this week.
Day 14 - a person.
Day 15 - your dreams.
Day 16 - your first kiss.
Day 17 - your favorite memory.
Day 18 - your favorite birthday.
Day 19 - something you regret.
Day 20 - this month.
Day 21 - another moment.
Day 22 - something that upsets you.
Day 23 - something that makes you feel better.
Day 24 - something that makes you cry.
Day 25 - a first.
Day 26 - your fears.
Day 27 - your favorite place.
Day 28 - something you miss.
Day 29 - your aspirations.
Day 30 - one last moment.
Should keep me busy right?

So let's begin with #1 - Yourself

My name is Yong.
I was born January 17, 1989 in Los Angeles, Ca.
School, work/martial arts, and dancing are three things that take up most of my time but when I'm free I also enjoy designing clothes, watching/making movies, writing, drawing, kickin' freestyle flows with the homies, hiking, and just chillin' out.
I work part time as a martial arts instructor at my father's Tae Kwon Do school.
I love to dance. I represent the infamous Zombie Hunterz crew primarily from Los Angeles, California where I go by the alias, "YongMoney".
The "Money" is defined as one who is paying dues within whatever they pursue. In my case it is Breakin' and life in general...gotta earn my stripes.
I'm known to be very shy and usually keep to myself or I can be very loud and obnoxious, it really depends on my mood, who I'm with or how comfortable I feel.
Either way, you shouldn't really take anything I say too seriously because I give into sarcasm about 75 percent of the time but I do mean well ;]
It's hard for people to tell whether I'm serious or joking but I'll confirm with you if you really can't tell.
I love to reference a lot of movies...usually cult classics but I dip and dab into different genres.
I try to keep an open mind when it comes to new things.
This is also applied to my tastes in music.
I love all types of music and when people ask what my favorite genre is I can only answer with, "whatever sounds good to my ears."
I do not like to limit myself to certain things and that applies to all aspects in life.
I come from a cultural background consisting of Korean/Cuban/American influence.
My father was born in Korea and immigrated to the States in his teens and my mother who is Korean/Chinese was born in Cuba and also migrated to the US in her teens.
Both met and the rest is history.
I cannot speak Korean but I'd love to learn...so any volunteers are welcome :]
Besides that I love Korean food ^___^ Cuban food and American food...but I can eat anything!
And lastly...I like to hunt zombies.