So yesterday I recently turned 21 years old...FINALLY!
I don't feel no different lol.
My original plan was to hit up Vegas but on Christmas eve the court slammed me with a citation of $541 which I had to pay within 10 days.
Luckily I pulled together the money and paid off the ticket...but at the same time it left me broke.
So there goes the trip to Vegas...for now. It's just postponed so be on the lookout because IT'LL COME BACK!
I had a small kickback at my house. It was mainly supposed to be in the backyard but natural forces worked up against my family and I's efforts.
Rain...which is something I strongly dislike began appearing a half hour before the party. Now we knew that rain was going to be coming but the reports said it wouldn't have come until later...I guess they were wrong!
So last minute we had to move everything inside; all the tables, chairs, food, etc.
It sucked because it took us a while to set up everything outside.
I even had a moon bounce for our bare knuckle boxing death match! URRRGH!
So the party was inside, it wasn't too bad, just cramped but it's cool.
Cool until I knocked out from drinking too much. Fuuuuck hahahaha.
I do feel bad for my guests...I wasn't a very good host this year =[
Let's see pros:
1. Fuckin' SMOKED everybody at rap battling!!! LOL -_-
2. Glad people actually made it through the rain!!!
3. Spending time with family and friends...priceless.
1. Fucking Rain can suck my cack!!! People ask me why do I hate rain? Ruins birthday BBQ's, takes out electricity, and so forth! FUCK IT!
2. Didn't get to battle Danny in! Damn! Don't think you're off the hook Dan boy...WE'RE COMING FOR YOU!
3. Clocked out early...I think I drank too much.
4. Where was everyone?!? All these people said they'd go but I didn't see everyone...or maybe I was passed out when people came but whatever man!
But thanks to those who did attend and thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday!
I hope the link works...if not...oh well get on facebook lol
Monday, January 18, 2010
The rise of the new name.
I have recently adopted a new alias in B-boyin' or a general nickname.
In my early years of dancing, I went by the nickname "Monk" because at the time I had a shaven head, did not talk a lot, and was dedicated to an art that required complete discipline and focus, i.e. B-boyin', Martial Arts, and so forth.
As the years went by, I began to just go by my regular name, "Yong" being that there aren't many Yongs in the American scene. If I had happened to move to Korea then perhaps I would change it to another name. But since I'm settled here in the great city of Los Angeles, California I decided Yong was unique enough amongst the general audience.
I went by my given name for quite some time and never considered looking for a new alias.
But up until recently my homie Tony called me Yong Money for fun being a relation to the popular rap group, "Young Money"
Although I am not a fan of their music I thought the relativity to the name was funny and at the same time catchy.
I also like the fact that it includes my real name instead of a complete random one.
Even though it wasn't official, the nickname somewhat stuck by itself.
I myself never told anyone to call me this alias but it grew on it's own.
Next came the definition.
What does it mean you ask.
It would be somewhat of a lame answer to say that it sounds like the popular rapper so I've drawn my own definition of what my AKA means to me just in case anyone tries to define it for me.
In my eyes, the "money" added to my name clarifies that I'm an individual PAYING my dues daily.
This can considered in B-boyin' or any other passion or activity I pursue.
Quite frankly this label applies to life itself.
We don't start out as professionals or with high status in the scene. We WORK our way up the ranks through struggles, victory and loss.
I am still an underdog in the scene of B-boyin' and even if I wasn't I'd still feel I am because I know never to get ahead of my own ego like so many people have.
I have to earn my props, respect and status in the game just as everyone else should.
This is also a statement that goes out to all those people out there who think they know what the fuck they're talking about when they haven't put in a dime's work into the scene or Breakin' itself.
The ones who practice one a week for an hour or two and go home to get on B-boyworld or youtube to talk shit about dancers who are actually in the scene.
The ones who are so ahead of themselves they grow delusional about how whack they really are and think they are God's gift to the Earth.
Now this name does not condone hatred but it is a reminder to myself that each and every one of us have to earn our stripes.
Nothing is free.
- Yong aka YONGMONEY
I have recently adopted a new alias in B-boyin' or a general nickname.
In my early years of dancing, I went by the nickname "Monk" because at the time I had a shaven head, did not talk a lot, and was dedicated to an art that required complete discipline and focus, i.e. B-boyin', Martial Arts, and so forth.
As the years went by, I began to just go by my regular name, "Yong" being that there aren't many Yongs in the American scene. If I had happened to move to Korea then perhaps I would change it to another name. But since I'm settled here in the great city of Los Angeles, California I decided Yong was unique enough amongst the general audience.
I went by my given name for quite some time and never considered looking for a new alias.
But up until recently my homie Tony called me Yong Money for fun being a relation to the popular rap group, "Young Money"
Although I am not a fan of their music I thought the relativity to the name was funny and at the same time catchy.
I also like the fact that it includes my real name instead of a complete random one.
Even though it wasn't official, the nickname somewhat stuck by itself.
I myself never told anyone to call me this alias but it grew on it's own.
Next came the definition.
What does it mean you ask.
It would be somewhat of a lame answer to say that it sounds like the popular rapper so I've drawn my own definition of what my AKA means to me just in case anyone tries to define it for me.
In my eyes, the "money" added to my name clarifies that I'm an individual PAYING my dues daily.
This can considered in B-boyin' or any other passion or activity I pursue.
Quite frankly this label applies to life itself.
We don't start out as professionals or with high status in the scene. We WORK our way up the ranks through struggles, victory and loss.
I am still an underdog in the scene of B-boyin' and even if I wasn't I'd still feel I am because I know never to get ahead of my own ego like so many people have.
I have to earn my props, respect and status in the game just as everyone else should.
This is also a statement that goes out to all those people out there who think they know what the fuck they're talking about when they haven't put in a dime's work into the scene or Breakin' itself.
The ones who practice one a week for an hour or two and go home to get on B-boyworld or youtube to talk shit about dancers who are actually in the scene.
The ones who are so ahead of themselves they grow delusional about how whack they really are and think they are God's gift to the Earth.
Now this name does not condone hatred but it is a reminder to myself that each and every one of us have to earn our stripes.
Nothing is free.
- Yong aka YONGMONEY
Thursday, January 14, 2010
So far..
I update to you from work! I have about an hour before I assist and teach the next class.
What's new you ask?
The new year is upon us! That's what's new! Happy to be alive and well in 2010.
So far, so good *knocks on wood*
I had an enjoyable break besides a few setbacks *cough* expensive ticket *cough* but I'm working a lot more now so I hope I'll make enough to pay back the great people who loaned me some money here and there to help pay off the debt.
BUT yes! Other than that Christmas and my New Year were enjoyable. A good break I needed from school and work and what not.
I recently started school on Monday. I'm now attending an institute in downtown L.A. called Adams College which is a dental lab technician school.
So far it's been pretty chill. The commute isn't as bad as I thought it would be. I guess the only upset is the early wake up call. So far I've been waking up every day at 7:30 am...I'm surprised myself actually haha. I leave around 8 am and start class at 9. I usually arrive early but I'd rather arrive early than late...especially with the unpredictable traffic conditions in LA. Sometimes it's speedy and other times I'm only going 5 mph -_-
I do feel somewhat alienated because everyone is Korean...yes I know I'm Korean but there is the language barrier. Besides that everyone is very friendly and polite and it's a very chill environment...SO FAR! O_O
And after I head down to work which is only like 10 minutes away.
So, so far my schedule has been school -> work -> and sometimes session or go home and rest.
Been practicing but took the last two days off to relax my mind and body.
Hope to hit up a session tonight somewhere...if so HIT ME UP!
Hmm the day is drawing closer to my 21st birthday O_O
I seriously don't feel 21...I don't even know how I'm supposed to feel....old? Haha
But whatever, I'm just going to do everything 21ish on that alcohol, porno, sex toys, drink below .08 and get pulled over and GET AWAY!!!, hit up Vegas, punch an old woman, kick a dog, you know...all that good shit!
And yeah.
Let's hope for good things!
What's new you ask?
The new year is upon us! That's what's new! Happy to be alive and well in 2010.
So far, so good *knocks on wood*
I had an enjoyable break besides a few setbacks *cough* expensive ticket *cough* but I'm working a lot more now so I hope I'll make enough to pay back the great people who loaned me some money here and there to help pay off the debt.
BUT yes! Other than that Christmas and my New Year were enjoyable. A good break I needed from school and work and what not.
I recently started school on Monday. I'm now attending an institute in downtown L.A. called Adams College which is a dental lab technician school.
So far it's been pretty chill. The commute isn't as bad as I thought it would be. I guess the only upset is the early wake up call. So far I've been waking up every day at 7:30 am...I'm surprised myself actually haha. I leave around 8 am and start class at 9. I usually arrive early but I'd rather arrive early than late...especially with the unpredictable traffic conditions in LA. Sometimes it's speedy and other times I'm only going 5 mph -_-
I do feel somewhat alienated because everyone is Korean...yes I know I'm Korean but there is the language barrier. Besides that everyone is very friendly and polite and it's a very chill environment...SO FAR! O_O
And after I head down to work which is only like 10 minutes away.
So, so far my schedule has been school -> work -> and sometimes session or go home and rest.
Been practicing but took the last two days off to relax my mind and body.
Hope to hit up a session tonight somewhere...if so HIT ME UP!
Hmm the day is drawing closer to my 21st birthday O_O
I seriously don't feel 21...I don't even know how I'm supposed to feel....old? Haha
But whatever, I'm just going to do everything 21ish on that alcohol, porno, sex toys, drink below .08 and get pulled over and GET AWAY!!!, hit up Vegas, punch an old woman, kick a dog, you know...all that good shit!
And yeah.
Let's hope for good things!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Later 2009! haha
10. Coraline
9. Star Trek - Never was a Trekkie...but the movie was pretty dope.
8. The Hangover
7. Zombieland - What can I say..
6. Watchmen
5. Up
4. Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
3. Inglorious Basterds
2. District 9
1. Avatar
2009 was a pretty cool year but when I look back at my resolutions I see that I failed to fufill a few -_-
Let us recap on what I did during 2009...hopefully I get it all in there.
January 17, 2009 - Turned 20 years old and celebrated in a humble manner. I went to a gun range in downtown LA after work with a few friends and family. I've never fired a firearm before so it was a new experience but it was definitely fun.
I have yet to go back to the range but I hope to do so in the if you're down to blast some foos! HIT ME UP
Then had a nice kickback at my house with my friends, girlfriend, and some family members. It was chill and I had an enjoyable time with everyone who attended.


Pretty much everyone who was there ^_^

My lovely fam!

My lovely ladybug!!! You want nectar and gin!? ... Inside joke.
The day after (January 18, 2009) woke up early and went to pick up Emily and made our way to Irvine then Disneyland!!!
So I guess I can cross Disneyland off my resolutions even though I only went once -_-
But yeah had a good time celebrating HER birthday because she was born a day after me...WHAT A WANNABE! and woke up the NEXT day to celebrate spending 2 years with her. It really doesn't feel that long to be honest...
Moving along!
Hit up a few jams at the beginning of the year. But I was mainly focused on training rather than battling at competitions...and yes folks there is a difference.
I've longed to correct my flaws in B-boyin' and I felt 2009 presented an opportunity to really allow myself to elevate in fields I lack.
Still have not won an event...a lot of semi-finals, 2nd place type wins...but then again I did not enter as many jams this year because I wanted to keep a low key and focus on training.
I do feel that I leveled up on certain elements but I still have a long way to go.
Hope I make some more progress in 2010!
In April I got to work on a Bank commercial featuring martial arts!
A scout agency came to my father's school requesting auditions from local students.
They specifically needed kids we had a few kids audition and my father told me they wanted me to audition as well.
I was reluctant at first because I felt I was too old but my father pushed me on.
I gave a small interview and a quick demo.
I got a call-back a few days later and showed up at the set which was right in Eagle Rock hahaha.
I didn't really do much. I was pretty much an extra...I played the evil kid's coach or whatever...I don't know haha. No stunts required lol
It was a fun experience though and got paid like 250? Plus a royalty check for $13!!! Hahaha
I've yet to see the commercial though =[ but I'm sure it was awesome as shit!
This somewhat gave me a push to really try to audition and get more gigs whether in martial arts or dancing...but stuff fell in the way...perhaps in 2010 I'll shoot for more gigs =]

The set...

Fun experience ^_^
Competed in the Kollaboration event. This was an even I first saw when I was in 6th grade hahaha.
Who woulda knew I'd actually participate in the event.
My crew Zombie Hunterz got 2nd place...sadly I did feel we got robbed but whatever.

My homies!

My homies 2 + Hong10! HARD SON! REAL HARD!
Attended AX in the was fun...but for some reason I missed that "spark" from the past years. Maybe it's because I'm getting older or maybe it's because it's right in the smack middle of Los Angeles which is like 10 minutes away from my house...
Either way I had a good time with friends.

I dressed up as the "ghetto Hulk" ^___^
We had a Marvel thing going on.

Chillin' wit MAH CRU SON!
Freestyle Session 12 Year Anniversary...
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH! It was coo to see some crews like Funky Masons, Hustle Kidz, Killa, Squadron, Zulu. It was also dope to see some upcoming crews like Formosa from Taiwan and Mexico was bringing some heat too.
Not much else to say about the event...I didn't compete..just came to watch.
It was definitely not as big as FSS8 or 10 Year Anniversary but it was coo.
Finally got to go to the motherfucking beach!
I think I only went like twice throughout the whole year...but both times enjoyable.
I think I went one with friends and another with Emily.
For some reason I love the beach...I feel absolutely free when I'm in the water or just playing in the sand or relaxing under the's a great getaway from the all the bs in the world.

We turned Mike into a beautiful Merman...MERMAN!
Ruben and Matt Tran got into Zombie Hunterz! KEEP TRAINING GUYS! DON'T LOSE IT!!!
Had Kogi Tacos for the first time hahahaha.
It was pretty cool because one of my father's students' dad is the owner. So my school had a small event and he brought the whole truck!
It was pretty damn good I'll say but I don't know about chasing a truck all over town and waiting in line for like 2 hours for some Korean tacos.
I could probably just buy the meat myself and cook it into some tortillas and WALAH!
But overall it was pretty damn good.
2009 was also the year my house turned into a cat refuge haha.
In total we found 5 kitties around our house. I'm glad to say we all took care of them and found them a home.

Look at these little babies!!!

My sister's boyfriend with two of them.
Finally got down to producing more shirts! I'm trying to get my designs Fall Screenprinting class was really fun and gave me the freedom to start my lineup.
Although I did not finish printing all my designs I got down to printing the ones I wanted to get done.
Be on the lookout for more!!!

What does it mean you ask..
Halloween was chill.
Spent the night at my homie's girlfriend's house MEESHELL.
We had a small BBQ and went Trick or Treating around the neighborhood. It was fun and I'm glad I had something to do!
I dressed up in a last minute costume that I was actually supposed to wear last year.

I was a Joker clown...actually a hostage but whatever. Next to me is Deadpool, Spiderman, and...Richard Chou... O_O lol
Thanksgiving was dope. Spent time with the family and ate a grip.
I don't think I have any pictures... =[
Helped organize a local B-boy event called, "HE GOT GAME".
It started as a small exhibition battle between two high schools but it escalated when we wanted to see a few 1 on 1 exhibitions. The event ran pretty smooth and I'm satisfied with the outcome.
We'll be sure to do it again the watch out! O_O
The battles are in one of my blog...I'm too lazy to post them up again so just look haha. They're on youtube too!
And finally Christmas.
Spent Christmas even with the fam again and had a pretty good time. Emily came and hung out.

Aren't we just lovely.. haha
Sad to say my Christmas wasn't enjoyable to the full potential because I had/have a lot of tickets to pay off...
So it was very stressful to deal with that. I still bought my family and girlfriend a gift! And sorry to those I did not get a gift...I was really tight on money this year =[
But if I gave you a free shirt! Then yeah! Those run $20-$30 on retail man!
Lastly spent my new year's eve with Emily...and her friends hahaha.
We went to Universal City Walk...random I know but I haven't been there in ages and it sounded fun.
It was mad crowded but still enjoyable to walk around the shops and see the different stores and activities.
I had a good time and I'm glad I was with her to start the new year ^_^

Yay =]
Sorry if I left anything out...but I'm sure I did more things in 2009 and if I remember them I'll post them down.
I had a great year with some great memories.
Hope 2010 brings some new blessings! And NO tickets...fuckin' EERRGH!
Oh yeah resolutions? A lot of them are recycled from last year because I didn't get down to doing them sadly ahaha.
1. Fix my car...FIX THE DAMN CAR!
5. Las Vegas? I hope!!
6. Disneyland! ... Yeah let's go again!!
9. Win a jam!
10. Throw a jam!
11. Get back into filming and make short movies! YOU HAVE A MEMORY CARD! DO IT!
12. Print the rest of your designs and try to promote and sell!!!
13. TRAVEL! Hit up Nor Cal! And all the other places you long to see!
14. Go camping or hiking!!!
15. Meet some new friends!
16. Hang out with old friends!!
17. Let's go to the beach!
18. Get back into exercising and tone up!!
See you guys in the new year!
Oh yeah and if you read this whooooooooooooole thing...get a life man!
10. Coraline
9. Star Trek - Never was a Trekkie...but the movie was pretty dope.
8. The Hangover
7. Zombieland - What can I say..
6. Watchmen
5. Up
4. Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
3. Inglorious Basterds
2. District 9
1. Avatar
2009 was a pretty cool year but when I look back at my resolutions I see that I failed to fufill a few -_-
Let us recap on what I did during 2009...hopefully I get it all in there.
January 17, 2009 - Turned 20 years old and celebrated in a humble manner. I went to a gun range in downtown LA after work with a few friends and family. I've never fired a firearm before so it was a new experience but it was definitely fun.
I have yet to go back to the range but I hope to do so in the if you're down to blast some foos! HIT ME UP
Then had a nice kickback at my house with my friends, girlfriend, and some family members. It was chill and I had an enjoyable time with everyone who attended.

Pretty much everyone who was there ^_^
My lovely fam!
My lovely ladybug!!! You want nectar and gin!? ... Inside joke.
The day after (January 18, 2009) woke up early and went to pick up Emily and made our way to Irvine then Disneyland!!!
So I guess I can cross Disneyland off my resolutions even though I only went once -_-
But yeah had a good time celebrating HER birthday because she was born a day after me...WHAT A WANNABE! and woke up the NEXT day to celebrate spending 2 years with her. It really doesn't feel that long to be honest...
Moving along!
Hit up a few jams at the beginning of the year. But I was mainly focused on training rather than battling at competitions...and yes folks there is a difference.
I've longed to correct my flaws in B-boyin' and I felt 2009 presented an opportunity to really allow myself to elevate in fields I lack.
Still have not won an event...a lot of semi-finals, 2nd place type wins...but then again I did not enter as many jams this year because I wanted to keep a low key and focus on training.
I do feel that I leveled up on certain elements but I still have a long way to go.
Hope I make some more progress in 2010!
In April I got to work on a Bank commercial featuring martial arts!
A scout agency came to my father's school requesting auditions from local students.
They specifically needed kids we had a few kids audition and my father told me they wanted me to audition as well.
I was reluctant at first because I felt I was too old but my father pushed me on.
I gave a small interview and a quick demo.
I got a call-back a few days later and showed up at the set which was right in Eagle Rock hahaha.
I didn't really do much. I was pretty much an extra...I played the evil kid's coach or whatever...I don't know haha. No stunts required lol
It was a fun experience though and got paid like 250? Plus a royalty check for $13!!! Hahaha
I've yet to see the commercial though =[ but I'm sure it was awesome as shit!
This somewhat gave me a push to really try to audition and get more gigs whether in martial arts or dancing...but stuff fell in the way...perhaps in 2010 I'll shoot for more gigs =]
The set...
Fun experience ^_^
Competed in the Kollaboration event. This was an even I first saw when I was in 6th grade hahaha.
Who woulda knew I'd actually participate in the event.
My crew Zombie Hunterz got 2nd place...sadly I did feel we got robbed but whatever.

My homies!

My homies 2 + Hong10! HARD SON! REAL HARD!
Attended AX in the was fun...but for some reason I missed that "spark" from the past years. Maybe it's because I'm getting older or maybe it's because it's right in the smack middle of Los Angeles which is like 10 minutes away from my house...
Either way I had a good time with friends.

I dressed up as the "ghetto Hulk" ^___^
We had a Marvel thing going on.

Chillin' wit MAH CRU SON!
Freestyle Session 12 Year Anniversary...
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH! It was coo to see some crews like Funky Masons, Hustle Kidz, Killa, Squadron, Zulu. It was also dope to see some upcoming crews like Formosa from Taiwan and Mexico was bringing some heat too.
Not much else to say about the event...I didn't compete..just came to watch.
It was definitely not as big as FSS8 or 10 Year Anniversary but it was coo.
Finally got to go to the motherfucking beach!
I think I only went like twice throughout the whole year...but both times enjoyable.
I think I went one with friends and another with Emily.
For some reason I love the beach...I feel absolutely free when I'm in the water or just playing in the sand or relaxing under the's a great getaway from the all the bs in the world.

We turned Mike into a beautiful Merman...MERMAN!
Ruben and Matt Tran got into Zombie Hunterz! KEEP TRAINING GUYS! DON'T LOSE IT!!!
Had Kogi Tacos for the first time hahahaha.
It was pretty cool because one of my father's students' dad is the owner. So my school had a small event and he brought the whole truck!
It was pretty damn good I'll say but I don't know about chasing a truck all over town and waiting in line for like 2 hours for some Korean tacos.
I could probably just buy the meat myself and cook it into some tortillas and WALAH!
But overall it was pretty damn good.
2009 was also the year my house turned into a cat refuge haha.
In total we found 5 kitties around our house. I'm glad to say we all took care of them and found them a home.
Look at these little babies!!!
My sister's boyfriend with two of them.
Finally got down to producing more shirts! I'm trying to get my designs Fall Screenprinting class was really fun and gave me the freedom to start my lineup.
Although I did not finish printing all my designs I got down to printing the ones I wanted to get done.
Be on the lookout for more!!!
What does it mean you ask..
Halloween was chill.
Spent the night at my homie's girlfriend's house MEESHELL.
We had a small BBQ and went Trick or Treating around the neighborhood. It was fun and I'm glad I had something to do!
I dressed up in a last minute costume that I was actually supposed to wear last year.

I was a Joker clown...actually a hostage but whatever. Next to me is Deadpool, Spiderman, and...Richard Chou... O_O lol
Thanksgiving was dope. Spent time with the family and ate a grip.
I don't think I have any pictures... =[
Helped organize a local B-boy event called, "HE GOT GAME".
It started as a small exhibition battle between two high schools but it escalated when we wanted to see a few 1 on 1 exhibitions. The event ran pretty smooth and I'm satisfied with the outcome.
We'll be sure to do it again the watch out! O_O
The battles are in one of my blog...I'm too lazy to post them up again so just look haha. They're on youtube too!
And finally Christmas.
Spent Christmas even with the fam again and had a pretty good time. Emily came and hung out.

Aren't we just lovely.. haha
Sad to say my Christmas wasn't enjoyable to the full potential because I had/have a lot of tickets to pay off...
So it was very stressful to deal with that. I still bought my family and girlfriend a gift! And sorry to those I did not get a gift...I was really tight on money this year =[
But if I gave you a free shirt! Then yeah! Those run $20-$30 on retail man!
Lastly spent my new year's eve with Emily...and her friends hahaha.
We went to Universal City Walk...random I know but I haven't been there in ages and it sounded fun.
It was mad crowded but still enjoyable to walk around the shops and see the different stores and activities.
I had a good time and I'm glad I was with her to start the new year ^_^

Yay =]
Sorry if I left anything out...but I'm sure I did more things in 2009 and if I remember them I'll post them down.
I had a great year with some great memories.
Hope 2010 brings some new blessings! And NO tickets...fuckin' EERRGH!
Oh yeah resolutions? A lot of them are recycled from last year because I didn't get down to doing them sadly ahaha.
1. Fix my car...FIX THE DAMN CAR!
5. Las Vegas? I hope!!
6. Disneyland! ... Yeah let's go again!!
9. Win a jam!
10. Throw a jam!
11. Get back into filming and make short movies! YOU HAVE A MEMORY CARD! DO IT!
12. Print the rest of your designs and try to promote and sell!!!
13. TRAVEL! Hit up Nor Cal! And all the other places you long to see!
14. Go camping or hiking!!!
15. Meet some new friends!
16. Hang out with old friends!!
17. Let's go to the beach!
18. Get back into exercising and tone up!!
See you guys in the new year!
Oh yeah and if you read this whooooooooooooole thing...get a life man!
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