Friday, October 30, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
So a few weeks ago my sisters found a litter of kitties hiding in our garage.
The mama cat guarded them but we finally got around to taking them and giving them a better home.
So far two of the cats have been adopted and the last one is still up for grabs...I think but I think people are already trying to get yeah!


I call the Black one Ninja, Bagheera, Batman.
I call the middle one Dopey cause she sleeps a lot.
And I call the last one the Laughing Hyena cause she has spots on her haha.


They're funny!

My sister's boyfriend with a fetus growing out of his neck!




Yeah pretty FUCKING CUTE HUH!??!
Anyway yeah that's what I mostly did today besides work is just play with kittens hahaha.
Besides that! I friggin' injured myself AGAIN! It's ridiculous!
I feel like I say that a lot but fuckin' it just happens!
Mainly do from Breakin'. Every time I try to do a stab related move such as airchairs or crickets/jackhammers I injure my side again.
I want to take a break to let it heal but at the same time I feel like I can't do anything else.
I feel like I'm gaining weight and getting fatter from not being able to session or train. I wish this injury would fuckin' heal up already but I know it's going to take a while especially if I keep re-injuring it. Friggin' sucks!
I'm pretty sure it's bruised feels a little better but I know it needs a lot more rest. I've been icing it and heating it and applying Icy Hot whenever I can. I can breathe fine and do a few things but I know I can't go all out or else it begins to ache again.
If anyone has any tips or anything to help it heal faster or FIGHT THE PAIN! Don't be shy to let me know!! ;]
And that's the way the cookie crumbles!
The mama cat guarded them but we finally got around to taking them and giving them a better home.
So far two of the cats have been adopted and the last one is still up for grabs...I think but I think people are already trying to get yeah!
I call the Black one Ninja, Bagheera, Batman.
I call the middle one Dopey cause she sleeps a lot.
And I call the last one the Laughing Hyena cause she has spots on her haha.
They're funny!
My sister's boyfriend with a fetus growing out of his neck!
Yeah pretty FUCKING CUTE HUH!??!
Anyway yeah that's what I mostly did today besides work is just play with kittens hahaha.
Besides that! I friggin' injured myself AGAIN! It's ridiculous!
I feel like I say that a lot but fuckin' it just happens!
Mainly do from Breakin'. Every time I try to do a stab related move such as airchairs or crickets/jackhammers I injure my side again.
I want to take a break to let it heal but at the same time I feel like I can't do anything else.
I feel like I'm gaining weight and getting fatter from not being able to session or train. I wish this injury would fuckin' heal up already but I know it's going to take a while especially if I keep re-injuring it. Friggin' sucks!
I'm pretty sure it's bruised feels a little better but I know it needs a lot more rest. I've been icing it and heating it and applying Icy Hot whenever I can. I can breathe fine and do a few things but I know I can't go all out or else it begins to ache again.
If anyone has any tips or anything to help it heal faster or FIGHT THE PAIN! Don't be shy to let me know!! ;]
And that's the way the cookie crumbles!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Where the Wild Things Are

I saw this movie last night with my girlfriend. I didn't really know what to expect from a movie that is being adapted from a 37 page children's book but the cinematography and costumes looked amazing from the trailer.
I actually loved the book as a child and read it frequently so I did have high hopes for the film...I just didn't know what to expect from it.
The writers had to work with a small book and adapt it to a feature length movie...which means a lot of add-ons to the story...which might be good or bad.
Now a lot of people are going to have mixed reviews about the film and I don't blame them. After walking out of the theater I contemplated to myself if I liked the film because it was actually a good movie or because of the hype surrounding the film because of how good the book was.
First and foremost the movie does not beat the book.
The film adds many more emotional elements through the monsters' personalities and with the boy.
Spike Jonze really goes in-depth through of the imagination of a child but at the same time the dark tones of the film make me wonder if this film was made for children or for adults?
The movie lasted about an hour and 30 minutes but in all honestly it felt like a two hour movie that didn't really have a real plot but analyzed the emotional issues the boy Max and the monsters go through. The monsters in my opinion are components of Max's personality and family because each monster has a distinct feature that makes one different from each other. The film is an on-going struggle of how Max wants to make the monsters happy but the monsters each want something different so this internally shows Max is struggling to find a balance within himself about what truly makes him happy as well.
Basically the film is about Max's journey about self-discovery through his own creative imagination. But his imagination is something he cannot control as he makes himself their leader and finds out that things will not always go the way he wants. He discovers that the wild things' emotional reactions and outbursts reflect his own actions and he discovers a lesson about himself and how he treats others, specifically his mother.
Now the message is a deep one but does that make up for a good movie? All based upon the viewer's opinion. I for one was waiting for the film's conclusion because it felt like it was dragging on with no real purpose other than the one stated above. But after analyzing the film's elements and themes, it did teach the value of a child's imagination as well as learning the responsibilities of growing up.
I did reflect Max's personality when I was a kid, running around and screaming but at the same time I grew annoyed of his behavior.
Pretty much if you're a fan of the book then go ahead and check it out. If you've never read the book and you're going to watch it then be prepared for some random shit.
This film seems to be intended for the more older and mature kids. I highly doubt 5 year old children will be studying the emotional aspects of a bunch of monsters. They will most likely be amazed at the outstanding costumes of the wild things but other than that will probably fall asleep an hour into the movie.
I probably will not watch this movie again but REMEMBER that does not mean it's a bad movie but I guess I had different tastes and expected something different...
Some may find this movie amazing and others may find it a waste of time. To each their own...just don't believe the hype and like it for your own reasons.
The soundtrack is pretty dope too.
I like this song.
Ima give this film a 6/10.
Oh yeah! And I also learned if your child runs away then comes back home just feed him soup and chocolate cake and everything will be better -_-
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Paycheck - Overdraft Fees + Pulled over - Speeding Ticket = TODAY SUCKED
So today was a pretty badgood day...I mean some good stuff happened but at the same time some bad stuff happened along with it...more bad stuff.
Went to work and finally got my paycheck!!!
Haven't gotten paid since September 10 so I was in dire need of some cash since I've been flat broke for a while.
I really need to learn how to save my money but when you only get paid once a month and you don't have any other income to add to your account it's hard to save money.
Most of my money goes to gas and food. Gas to travel to work, school, and practice.
Had to buy books for school and I didn't even get them all -_-
So since I was broke I had to use my debit card to get gas to get to work and I went minus in my account which led to overdraft fees AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISH!
I knew it was going to screw me over and make me get less than what I earned.
It came up to -100 I had to pay off so there goes a bill off my payment. Now I gotta wait for the rest of the money to transfer and the fucking bank says it's delayed for some stupid reason. Uuuuuugggh.
So that alone made me mad. So in a rage I decided to press the gas pedal in my car a little harder while heading home from work.
Suddenly I see a red and blue light flashing behind me. the first word that popped into my head when I saw the lights. It was a cop. He didn't sound his siren so I wasn't sure if he was after me and right when that thought passed...his siren went off. I pulled to the right and he approached saying I was speeding in a 35 mph street(La Brea). I think I was going 45 mph then he added my tail light was broken...that I actually had no idea about.
I stay cool and just add "sir" to the end of every sentence. He goes back to motorcycle for 10 minutes and comes back.
"All right I'm going to give you a warning on the speeding but I have to give you a ticket for the tail light. It's not a fine and doesn't go on your record but you have to get it fixed."
SO! I got off lucky but still! What a day!
Missed practice cause I got off work late...still injured anyway. I'm pretty sure my ribs are bruised..shit's pretty annoying. It sucks cause there's nothing I can really do to speed up the healing process...just rest when I can and let it heal as time goes by.
Sucks because I have to rest between practices and even when I'm at practice I feel like I can't go all out cause the pain begins to ache more. Shit's whack son!
But when I do practice...I still try to practice all out...
So when you get the chance to practice...practice hard!....and do try to make the time to practice! You can always find a time to practice. If a person is dedicated enough they can always find the time to pursue their passion.
Unless you're just dickin' around *shrug*
ANYWAY! Didn't get a haircut today either!
That means Emily won't want to see me..AIIIIIIIIGO!
That being said I haven't seen Emily in a long while...well if you're reading this we should totally hang out!
Let's start dancing at Renaissance again...that added some paper to my
Went to work and finally got my paycheck!!!
Haven't gotten paid since September 10 so I was in dire need of some cash since I've been flat broke for a while.
I really need to learn how to save my money but when you only get paid once a month and you don't have any other income to add to your account it's hard to save money.
Most of my money goes to gas and food. Gas to travel to work, school, and practice.
Had to buy books for school and I didn't even get them all -_-
So since I was broke I had to use my debit card to get gas to get to work and I went minus in my account which led to overdraft fees AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISH!
I knew it was going to screw me over and make me get less than what I earned.
It came up to -100 I had to pay off so there goes a bill off my payment. Now I gotta wait for the rest of the money to transfer and the fucking bank says it's delayed for some stupid reason. Uuuuuugggh.
So that alone made me mad. So in a rage I decided to press the gas pedal in my car a little harder while heading home from work.
Suddenly I see a red and blue light flashing behind me. the first word that popped into my head when I saw the lights. It was a cop. He didn't sound his siren so I wasn't sure if he was after me and right when that thought passed...his siren went off. I pulled to the right and he approached saying I was speeding in a 35 mph street(La Brea). I think I was going 45 mph then he added my tail light was broken...that I actually had no idea about.
I stay cool and just add "sir" to the end of every sentence. He goes back to motorcycle for 10 minutes and comes back.
"All right I'm going to give you a warning on the speeding but I have to give you a ticket for the tail light. It's not a fine and doesn't go on your record but you have to get it fixed."
SO! I got off lucky but still! What a day!
Missed practice cause I got off work late...still injured anyway. I'm pretty sure my ribs are bruised..shit's pretty annoying. It sucks cause there's nothing I can really do to speed up the healing process...just rest when I can and let it heal as time goes by.
Sucks because I have to rest between practices and even when I'm at practice I feel like I can't go all out cause the pain begins to ache more. Shit's whack son!
But when I do practice...I still try to practice all out...
So when you get the chance to practice...practice hard!....and do try to make the time to practice! You can always find a time to practice. If a person is dedicated enough they can always find the time to pursue their passion.
Unless you're just dickin' around *shrug*
ANYWAY! Didn't get a haircut today either!
That means Emily won't want to see me..AIIIIIIIIGO!
That being said I haven't seen Emily in a long while...well if you're reading this we should totally hang out!
Let's start dancing at Renaissance again...that added some paper to my
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Side injury Returns!
So I re-injured my side from an accidental injury that occurred about three weeks ago.
I'm pretty mad about how I got my injury the first time...kinda funny story but basically my friends and I sometimes make fun of Ichigeki crew and go crazy and I went a little bit overboard and jumped back landing on my back/side...and right there I felt a slight pain in my side area...kinda near my ribs.
It's a sore feeling and hurts to move it when I attempt certain moves.
I rested it for about three days after and it kind of went away but there's always a slight pain when I dance.
So it never went away completely but enough to tolerate the pain. I went on with my regular work and training schedule and it seemed fine, I was hoping it'd just heal through time.
But up until Monday session that's when the pain started to come back pretty bad.
Then I sessioned Wednesday and it came back again.
So now I'm going to take an official break from Breakin' until...Monday? Wednesday? I hope that's enough time but I'm just curious as to what kind of injury it is.
I don't know if I pulled something or if I bruised a rib or something...these are suggestions given to me by my friends. I don't think it's that serious to concern a doctor but I guess a few days off are inevitable. Don't wanna make the pain anymore worse than it already only got one body.
But other than that training was going pretty well. Learning some new things here and there and going to White Lotus again on a weekly basis. Refreshing my flips and gaining/learning some more.
But until then it's time to rest. Sadly it's easier said than done since my job requires me to be doing physical things =[
When I'm not sessioning, I'm teaching martial arts and when I'm not doing martial arts I'm Breakin' hahaha. But when I'm not doing either of these hobbies I feel so empty so I guess it's something to put up with.
Hope to get paid soon...I'm struggling so bad for money it's not even funny.
*Sad face*
I'm pretty mad about how I got my injury the first time...kinda funny story but basically my friends and I sometimes make fun of Ichigeki crew and go crazy and I went a little bit overboard and jumped back landing on my back/side...and right there I felt a slight pain in my side area...kinda near my ribs.
It's a sore feeling and hurts to move it when I attempt certain moves.
I rested it for about three days after and it kind of went away but there's always a slight pain when I dance.
So it never went away completely but enough to tolerate the pain. I went on with my regular work and training schedule and it seemed fine, I was hoping it'd just heal through time.
But up until Monday session that's when the pain started to come back pretty bad.
Then I sessioned Wednesday and it came back again.
So now I'm going to take an official break from Breakin' until...Monday? Wednesday? I hope that's enough time but I'm just curious as to what kind of injury it is.
I don't know if I pulled something or if I bruised a rib or something...these are suggestions given to me by my friends. I don't think it's that serious to concern a doctor but I guess a few days off are inevitable. Don't wanna make the pain anymore worse than it already only got one body.
But other than that training was going pretty well. Learning some new things here and there and going to White Lotus again on a weekly basis. Refreshing my flips and gaining/learning some more.
But until then it's time to rest. Sadly it's easier said than done since my job requires me to be doing physical things =[
When I'm not sessioning, I'm teaching martial arts and when I'm not doing martial arts I'm Breakin' hahaha. But when I'm not doing either of these hobbies I feel so empty so I guess it's something to put up with.
Hope to get paid soon...I'm struggling so bad for money it's not even funny.
*Sad face*
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Hahahahaha I don't know why but this clip always cracks me up. got cold so suddenly...
Goodbye summer and heeeeeeello fall.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Happy October!
Here's to a new month! OCTOBER!
Just got back from the midnight showing of Zombieland.

I've been looking forward to this movie for a while so I pretty psyched to watch it.
Overall the movie was satisfying to my tastes. I enjoyed the funny bits between the developing characters. I do wish there were more scenes of killing zombies and what not buuuut oh well I guess this movie was more focused on the characters and their stories rather than just another splatter fest but the last segment does deliver =]
The leading protagonist just seemed like another Michael Cera...might as well have gotten Michael Cera to do the part but ooooh well haha.
Woody Harrelson was born to play this part. He easily comes off as a badass and delivered to my satisfaction.
The cameo was funniest bit in the movie. JUST WATCH IT AND YOU'LL SEE ^_^
But yes a good watch. I'd recommend it to all those zombie fanatics out there ;]
Anyhoo my back is friggin' sore from Wednesday's practice.
I went to White Lotus..a place I haven't been to in ages. Just been busy with work, school, and had to readjust myself to hard floor practices. Not only that but the drive is pretty long to. Traveling from LA to Northridge can add up to the gas mileage...not only that but gotta pay 5 bucks as well to practice.
BUT ANYWAY! Went there and tried to refresh my flips..felt like I haven't done em in a while and some are a bit rusty. Hopefully I can make it again to practice them more...times are getting more busy -_-
Practicing some new stuff that I can hopefully transition to the floor soon. Needa go back there soon but for now I think I'm going to rest my back until Sunday session.
Hmm I wonder what's going on for Halloween. Ideas about what to be...any suggestions??
Till next time ;]
Just got back from the midnight showing of Zombieland.

I've been looking forward to this movie for a while so I pretty psyched to watch it.
Overall the movie was satisfying to my tastes. I enjoyed the funny bits between the developing characters. I do wish there were more scenes of killing zombies and what not buuuut oh well I guess this movie was more focused on the characters and their stories rather than just another splatter fest but the last segment does deliver =]
The leading protagonist just seemed like another Michael Cera...might as well have gotten Michael Cera to do the part but ooooh well haha.
Woody Harrelson was born to play this part. He easily comes off as a badass and delivered to my satisfaction.
The cameo was funniest bit in the movie. JUST WATCH IT AND YOU'LL SEE ^_^
But yes a good watch. I'd recommend it to all those zombie fanatics out there ;]
Anyhoo my back is friggin' sore from Wednesday's practice.
I went to White Lotus..a place I haven't been to in ages. Just been busy with work, school, and had to readjust myself to hard floor practices. Not only that but the drive is pretty long to. Traveling from LA to Northridge can add up to the gas mileage...not only that but gotta pay 5 bucks as well to practice.
BUT ANYWAY! Went there and tried to refresh my flips..felt like I haven't done em in a while and some are a bit rusty. Hopefully I can make it again to practice them more...times are getting more busy -_-
Practicing some new stuff that I can hopefully transition to the floor soon. Needa go back there soon but for now I think I'm going to rest my back until Sunday session.
Hmm I wonder what's going on for Halloween. Ideas about what to be...any suggestions??
Till next time ;]
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