So this passed Sunday I attended the annual event, Freestyle Session in downtown LA.
I did not attend the first day because usually those are just for the people wanting to battle in the prelims and since I was not entering I just decided to watch the Top 16 the following day.
So I rode with Mike and we get there around 1ish. Compared to FSS10 the venue was a lot smaller. We came in and watched a few cyphers but mainly waited for the battles to start. Got a pretty dope spot where I could see everything.
When I heard about the Top 16 I was pretty disappointed. A lot of no shows came up. I was so psyched to see Jinjo and Rivers come around but they ended up not coming at all...FUCKING GOOKS! ^_^ THAT'S AN ANGRY ASIAN FACE FOR YOU!
The Top 16 crew list was eh...I don't know how some crews managed to get through the next round but I guess the majority of crews that entered didn't do well during the prelims..*shrug* I can't say much because I didn't attend first day.
But sources tell me 1st day was pretty lame.
Real treat was seeing Funky Masons and Hustle Kids..dope crews. Muh fuckin' Kleju...is short!
Top 8 battles were better because each crew was pretty nasty.
Killafornia vs. Funky Masons was fuckin' craaazy. Remind is still on his shit.
Anyway just chilled most of the jam, watched the battles, bought some FOOOOOOOAAAAMMMMM HATS!!! cause I'm such a beeeeeeeeeee-boy and went after to JJ's! O_O
Highlights of the jam: Jalen vs. Lil Demon...fuckin' sick ass battle. Them kids are unnecessarily good..especially Lil Demon. Like 9 rounds non stop, pure power..amazing.
Do Knock's backflip...if you were there...you know.
Funky Masons, Hustle Kids, Formosa Crew was pretty dope.
Squadron came with it, nasty lineup. Props to them for taking it this year...once again USA prevails at FSS...
ANYWAY! After the jam..me, Mike, and Blaine went to JJ's and Nes, Krys, Tony and Vanessa met up with us. Good laughs HAHAHA O_O
Then we watched Inglorious Basterds...

a movie I've been waiting to see for a while.
AND boy let me tell you! It was pretty darn dope.
First of all let me just say..you must be a fan of Quentin Tarantino movies to enjoy a movie such as this. If you're not into heavy dialogue then don't watch it.
I saw two fat guys in front of me snoozin' away during the movie...
What can you expect from a QT movie..of course there's going to be intriguing dialogue that reveals characters' backgrounds within 5 minutes of their screen time than other full length movies that fail to do so.
Brad Pitt was a funny and enjoyable character but Christoph Waltz stole the show as the leading villain. I got goosebumps during his scenes because he was somewhat of a creepy individual but somehow hides his devious traits.
He's probably my favorite character from the movie...
Overall an enjoyable experience with lots of subtle humor thrown in here and there. If you complain it's boring then you're not listening...LISTEN TO THE MUSIC! >.>